Ship arrest in Tunisia
Tunisia is generally recognised as one of the predictable, transparent and efficient places to arrest ships to recover maritime debts. We can help you to recover your maritime debts and to proceed to ship arrest in any port of call in Tunisia.
A ship arrest can be the fastest, cheapest and most effective measure in obtaining voluntary payment of an outstanding claim against the ship or the owner. Ships are highly valuable and mobile assets, often operating substantial distances from the offices of the shipowners. Accordingly, separate legal procedures for dealing with the unique issues raised by ship operations have been developed over many centuries by maritime nations. The legal remedies have proved so useful that many are still in use today.
Not only can you sue the ship but you can also have it arrested and held under arrest until your claim is settled. If the claim cannot be settled by agreement, then you can direct the Court to sell the ship, with the proceeds being used to settle claims lodged against it.
The ability to claim against the ship rather than the owner provides many significant advantages to a claimant, particularly if the shipowner is a foreign based person or corporation and if the ship is the only asset belonging to the owner. Even if the owner is locally based, the cost and inconvenience of having a major income earning asset arrested is such that disputes are usually resolved very quickly.
Ship arrest is an excellent way to obtain security for a claim and potentially prepare for a judicial sale of the ship, should that become necessary. In addition, ship arrest constitutes a considerable pressure on the debtor to settle the claim due to the business disruption which usually leads parties to amicably settle the claim. Therefore, a ship arrest may be a suitable remedy for a variety of creditors.
A ship arrest in particular is not just a measure to secure the presence of the ship at a later stage, where a judgement against the owner or the ship is to be enforced through a forced sale of the ship . A ship arrest can be the fastest, cheapest and most effective measure in obtaining voluntary payment of an outstanding claim against the ship or the owner (as the case may be), provided that the measure of arrest – in a legal and commercial sense – is used correctly.
Achour Law Firm – Maritime has significant experience in arresting ships in Tunisia. We are specialised in not only executing an arrest, but also in providing the best commercial and legal strategy prior to and in connection with the ship arrest; whether that would be to abstain from arresting the ship in the next port of call, to arrest aggressively in any port of call or to abstain from arresting the ship and instead arrest bunkers and other stores on board the ship.
Achour law firm is available on a moment’s notice to assist in ship arrest actions. Indeed, immediate shipping lawyer availability is often crucial when it comes to ship arrests since a ship can quickly leave a jurisdiction, never to return again. We can also assist in posting bond if one of your ships has been arrested by someone else. Because Achour Law Firm is already well-versed in the substantive law and procedure concerning ship arrests, you will never waste valuable time.
Achour Law firm – Maritime 24-hours Arrest and Casualty Emergency Response secure that no time is lost once an opportunity to arrest a ship emerges.
If you are interested in Ship Arrest Procedures in Tunisia, please review our Ship Arrest Guide relating to Ship Arrest Procedures in Tunisia. Kindly feel free to contact us for more information.